Resumo: As práticas do Yoga são
caracterizadas pela permanência numa condição de controle e conforto, onde não
se estipula um padrão de execução e metas de desempenho motor. A esclerose
múltipla é uma doença crônica desmielinizante que resulta de reações
inflamatórias desencadeadas por mecanismos complexos de anormalidade
imunorregulatória. É freqüente o acometimento do equilíbrio motor, podendo
culminar na queda. Existe uma carência de estudos com relação à influência do
Yoga no controle do equilíbrio de pessoas com esclerose múltipla. O objetivo
desta pesquisa é avaliar a influência de um programa de Yoga no equilíbrio
postural de pessoas com esclerose múltipla. Trata-se de uma pesquisa
experimental com N=12 (doze), formado por pessoas com esclerose múltipla
pertencentes ao Grupo de Esclerose Múltipla de Campinas e que nunca praticaram
Yoga ou estão a pelos menos 01 ano sem praticar. O grupo experimental participou
das práticas de Yoga uma vez por semana, com duração de 01 hora, durante o
período de seis meses e o grupo controle não realizou as práticas. O equilíbrio
foi avaliado através da Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg. Foi coletada também a
percepção subjetiva do equilíbrio e o histórico de quedas através de
questionário; essas avaliações e a avaliação da Escala de Incapacidade Funcional
Ampliada (EDSS) foram realizadas no inicio e final do programa, quando foi
oportunizado o programa de Yoga ao grupo controle. Constatou-se através da
análise estatística dos resultados obtidos através da escala de Berg, que houve
uma melhora significativa do equilíbrio postural dos sujeitos do grupo
experimental em relação ao grupo controle, especialmente dos sujeitos com maior
escore na EDSS. A percepção subjetiva retratou o que foi avaliado na escala de
Abstract: The practice of Yoga is characterized by the remaining in a condition of control and comfort, where a standard and targets of performance are not specified. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating disease that results of inflammatory reactions triggered by complex mechanisms of immunoregulatory abnormality. Balance is often involved and may culminate in a fall. There is a shortage of studies about the influence of Yoga in the control of the balance of people with multiple sclerosis. The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of a program of Yoga in the postural balance of people with multiple sclerosis. This is an experimental research with N=12 (twelve), and with people with multiple sclerosis who belong to the Multiple Sclerosis Group of Campinas and who never practiced Yoga or who are at least 01 year without a practice. The research group practiced Yoga once a week with classes of 01 hour during a period of six months while the control group did not practice Yoga. The balance was evaluated by the Scale of Balance of Berg. The subjective perception of the balance and the data of falls were also evaluated by means of a questionnaire; such assessments and the evaluation of the Functional Disability Extended Scale (EDSS) were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the program when the program of Yoga was offered to the control group. A significant improvement in the postural balance of the subjects of the research group, especially those with higher EDSS score, was found by means of statistical analysis of the results obtained by the Berg Scale, when compared to the control group. The subjective perception represented the same that was evaluated on the Scale of Berg
Abstract: The practice of Yoga is characterized by the remaining in a condition of control and comfort, where a standard and targets of performance are not specified. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic demyelinating disease that results of inflammatory reactions triggered by complex mechanisms of immunoregulatory abnormality. Balance is often involved and may culminate in a fall. There is a shortage of studies about the influence of Yoga in the control of the balance of people with multiple sclerosis. The objective of this research is to evaluate the influence of a program of Yoga in the postural balance of people with multiple sclerosis. This is an experimental research with N=12 (twelve), and with people with multiple sclerosis who belong to the Multiple Sclerosis Group of Campinas and who never practiced Yoga or who are at least 01 year without a practice. The research group practiced Yoga once a week with classes of 01 hour during a period of six months while the control group did not practice Yoga. The balance was evaluated by the Scale of Balance of Berg. The subjective perception of the balance and the data of falls were also evaluated by means of a questionnaire; such assessments and the evaluation of the Functional Disability Extended Scale (EDSS) were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the program when the program of Yoga was offered to the control group. A significant improvement in the postural balance of the subjects of the research group, especially those with higher EDSS score, was found by means of statistical analysis of the results obtained by the Berg Scale, when compared to the control group. The subjective perception represented the same that was evaluated on the Scale of Berg
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